Devlog: Production 5

Welcome back readers of our devlog !

We are back with a brand new update of our game and a lot has changed ! This devlog is from the work we did the week before Easter and during Easter vacation. So have fun reading our devlog !


This week the programmers mostly implemented and imported a lot of stuff that the artists made during this week. From level decoration to enemies ! Also almost all turret behaviours have been finished and are ready to be polished. So during the polish we will add fire effects and wind effects and so on to make the turrets more interesting when they are firing.

This time the earth turret got some attention. This turret fires an earthball in a parabolic way and lands next to the enemy and damages everyone around it. We also didn't forget about the other turrets. From now on the turrets have a lifespan! When the player places a turret on a placingpoint, the turret will be placed with a healthbar above it. This is the turret's HP. When the amount of healthpoints reaches zero, the turrets gets destroyed. When you upgrade them, their hp will get filled back to max (larger turrets will have much more health points). So it's your time to find out how to keep them alive during the game.

Health bar for the turrets

Health bar for the turrets

With the feedback we got, we changed the selection button from east button on the keypad to the south button, because this feels more natural for players. We added our first screenshake so the player actually knows when he is losing and enemies are getting through his defence. And we also got a pointsystem printed out in the game. This will give the player the knowledge how many points he/she has while playing. The goal of the game is still to get as much points as you can! 

Also a Cloud Manager has been implemented. This cloud manager spawns random clouds that move horizontally through the level to give the player a feeling that he is actually in a heaven setting.

What will happen next week: Next week we will finish everything of the core mechanics so

1. Importing and implementing the character(model)
2. Finishing the waveManager with the new enemies
3. Finishing the towers
4. And ofcourse the Radial menu 

- Artists  -

The heaven portal got a small update, we added animation and the texture got minor adjustments.

For the pickup gem we added an animation. 

All the turrets were finished, we created little icons for every turrets to display them clearly in the radial menu.

Icons to link it to the UI bar (right images is for the mana bar, the left side is for the gem bar).

The radial menu, here you can choose wich turret you want to buy.

A sneak peak how one of our screen menus can look like.

Clouds are ready to be added in the game, the programmers are working on a cloud generator.

The turret placeholder is ready to place turrets on.

Heaven environment assets.

The skybox for the game.

The map got a little update. All the placeholders got replaced by the assets that were created.

Several animations were added to our Main Character this week.
Besides Idle, we now also have Run, Death, Impact and Attack animations.

We've also been working on several Enemy characters:

Skeleton enemy blockout.

We also made some fire enemies, which have a more simplistic approach to save time and add some more enemy variety. These enemies use, just like the turrets and portals, a single texture for all of the models from the same type. 

Lava snail 1

Lava snail 2

Lava snail base color texture, shared by both of the enemies

We've made some assets to decorate hell as well, these are rocks based on the ones the hell portal has

Hell Rocks

Hell Rocks base color texture

The quest for materials also continues, this week we're working on a stone texture for the map, it's still a work in progress

Rock material WIP

Files 31 MB
Apr 19, 2021

Get Heaven Siege

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