Devlog: Production 6

Welcome once again readers of the Devlog of Heaven Siege.

This week we have a lot of new cool things to show you !! This devlog tells you more about the changes we made during our final week in production.


Okay so We don't know where to begin because a lot has changed !

Level Boundries

For starters we finally have level boundries. Yes you heard  that right the character can no longer fall off the map !!

Enemy Movement

Also the Character path has been fixed. Now the path uses not only a waypoint system but it uses a combination of the already existing waypoint system and a Navmesh ! So the enemy never glitches through the floor again and has a more natural movement.


All the turrets have been implemented ! The Wind turret And The Earth turret are finished but can still use some minor tweaks ! 

Radial Menu

The Radial menu is also finished !! So the primary Radial menu now has all custom Icons to build the lvl1 of every turret and a 'X' icon to exit the radial. Also the secondary radial menu is done ! you can now Upgrade, Sell, expand lifetime all from the radial menu !

-Radial 1

-Radial 2


The wave manager has also been perfected ! Now we have multiple enemies to chose from for every wave. Also a boss wave has been implemented so every 5 rounds a boss spawns ! What we will need to do in the polish for this part is make balanced enemy waves from the different enemies.


Yes you read this correctly. The main character is in the game !! The character can run and attack. With each a nice animation. We might need to rescale the character in the polish though.


Also a cloud manager has been added. This manager is just used purely for visuals. Clouds spawn at a random predetermined waypoint all around the level. So the clouds float around the level so it gives the player a more heaven feeling. There are also some parameters to tweak in the manager.


Also all particles have been implemented in the game ! You will see the particles more in action in the Artist section :) Some of these particle implementations are: Burning particle when a enemy is burning, Turret dying particle, Ice bullet trail, Wind turret effect and many more !

Talent Tree

The talentree to upgrade character movement and damage is also partly implemented. This feature will be finished in our Polish Sprint !


A small extension of the icons.

Health, exit, money, upgrade and an icon of the main character for in the UI.

For the ice enemy we used the model from the lava enemy, only the texture has been adjusted and the rocks on the back of the enemy are pointy.

The level got couple adjustments, the enemy side has decorated, the ground mesh has a texture.  Only the path is missing but it will soon be a part of the level.  The skybox got a little update as well. 

For the coming weeks, our focus will be polishing the map and fixing the lighting.

We have added enemies for the wind element as well, the unwrap remains relatively simple, thus sparing a bit of time.


Wind enemy 1

Wind enemy 2

Wind enemy base color texture

We've  also been working on a boss character, this one will spawn rarely and has a lot more health than the other enemies. Because of time constraints, we used parts we already had (the hell gate in this case) to build the enemy. It has the same unwrap as the hell gate.

Boss enemy

The tiling textures got an update. The tiling grass has no flowers, they were removed because the tiling was way too obvious. We also made a path texture, but the path hasn't been implemented yet because we encountered some problems.

Path texture

But by far one of the biggest art updates will be the particles! We have added some of them to bring the game more to life, these are still basic and will be polished in the upcoming two weeks.

Hit particle, will play when the player uses the melee attack

Burning enemy particle (can happen after enemy gets hit by fire turret)

Small fire turret shot

Medium fire turret shot

Big fire turret shot

Gem pickup particle

Trail particle that follows the projectiles shot by the ice turret

Ice burst particle, this will play when an ice projectile impacts 

Small wind turret shot

Medium wind turret shot

Big wind turret shot

This particle will play when a turret is almost out of health

This particle plays when a turret disappears 

Finished Earth Enemy

Earth Turret Projectile

Get Heaven Siege

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